Creative Arts & Worship
Worship is an active lifestyle that is fuelled by the Holy Spirit and nurtured through the weekly worship service. Worship involves studying Scripture, wrestling with it, thinking about how faith relates to contemporary issues, using our will to make decisions. It means doing things for God—enacting the Gospel in the everyday spaces of our living. It means experiencing a relationship with God involving our emotions, our spirit—letting God into the deepest places our inner soul. It means using our imaginations to evoke intimacy with our Creator. It means loving God with every fiber of our being, with every perceivable and imperceptible dimension of our existence.
At Emmanuel we have incredibly gifted and dedicated people who serve in a variety of ways that fall under the worship umbrella. There are music teams, a technical and sound team, visual artists, and dramatic artists. Some of these teams are more formal in construct (i.e. music, technical and sound teams) while other teams come together around specific seasons or services (i.e. drama, the worship collective and art). Regardless, the purpose of all of these teams is to aid us as a community in exploring the nature and heart of God and working to create opportunities for us to hear from and respond to God.
We love music and we love making music together to lead our community in worship. If you are a musician or vocalist please contact Rob about finding an opportunity to make music with us.
Vespers is our monthly evening gathering of readings, reflections, songs, and prayers shared in a more liturgical format. Everyone is welcome to attend; there is a craft table available for children (or others who could use a more tactile space to worship) at each Vespers gathering to help them interact with the evening’s theme in a more interactive way.
Vespers is typically at 6pm on the last Sunday of each month. Please check the calendar for details.
Worship Collective
The Worship Collective runs in conjunction with high seasons on the church calendar - specifically Advent and/or Lent. The goal is to spend time in worship together over a few practices as a choir - learning songs, but also thinking about and praying through the themes of the season together. At the end of our practices, we lead our whole community in worship alongside interactive selections of prayers and readings.
Worship Collective is open to anyone who likes to sing (whether you read music or not). Watch the announcements for your next opportunity to join.